Post your comments about the 1960 film The Time Machine here. We watched the film in class on April 28 and 30. You comments should address the film's ideas or quality.
Add comments about the story "Soldier" here. We read the story in class on April 14 and 16. You might also compare this story with "The Man Who Came Early."
You may post your third progress report for the SF Slide Show Update Project here. Refer to the blue handout you received in class for guidelines (also available as a PDF on the class web page). You make also choose to email the assignment to me, or print it out and hand it in in class.
If you have further comments about the 1968 film Planet of the Apes, which we watched in class the first week of April, post them here. If you were intrigued by the film, you might consider watching one of the 4 sequels, or the 2001 remake, and comment here.
We read the story "Look, You Think You've Got Troubles" (about the man whose daughter marries a Martian) in class on March 14. Add your comments here if you have more to say about the story.