To make sure you are able to access the class blog, and to verify your attention to class, please write two responses. First, comment about one interesting bit of information you have learned about science fiction this week. This tidbit should be something you did not know before the class began. Second, write which of the following SF decades you would like to study and why: 1975-1984; 1985-1994; 1995-2008. Please make sure that your comments are coherent, correct, and specific
The fact that Frankenstien was the first sci-fi book written was something I learned. I picked 1995- present because it is the most recent and up to date, and it is also the most interesting.
One interesting thing that i learned in science fiction this week is that HG Wells is considered to be the Shakespeare of sciehnce fiction. I never knew that he was that important to the science fiction community.
I would like to research the time period between 1995-2008. This is the time period that would apply most to me and that i could probably find information for the easiest.
This week I learned that Frankenstein was the first work of Science Fiction. In the past i have always viewed Frankenstein as a horror story and it is interesting to hear that it is a Science Fiction Story.
I would like to study the decade of 1985-1994 I want to study this because it includes Aliens and Predator which are two of my favorite Sci-Fi movies.
I learned that science fiction isn't just a modern thing, that it's been around for a while. I also learned about a few authors I didn't know wrote science fiction, such as H.G. Wells. I chose 1995-2008 as the decade that I prefer to work on most because it's the most current.
I learned that science fiction has been around for a really long time. I am interested in reading 1995-2008
I learned that Frankenstein was the first Science Fiction novel and that HG Wells wrote about some of the Science Fiction topics that are popular today.
i am intrested in doing the decade 1985-1994 since I do not know much about the type of Science Fiction movies or book that came out during that time.
This week in science fiction I learned that Frankenstein was the first ever science fiction story.
I would like to do the project on the 1995-2008 time period because it seems to be the most interesting.
An interesting fact that I have learned about science fiction that I did not know prior to this class is, that Frankenstein was the first science fiction story. Also the decade that I am interested in studying is 1995-2008. I am interested in this because I enjoy more up-to-date stories and movies. Also I think my presentation will have more interesting pictures and clips.
One interesting thing I have learned in the past week was that HG Wells was considered the Shakespeare of his time. I have chosen 1995 to the present as my time period because there's so many more things to look at; from movies to games.
Something I didn't know before this week was that Science Fiction first started back in ancient times. Also, I didn't know that they didn't call it science fiction until very recently in history.
The time period I would like to work on is either 1975-1984 or 1985-1994 because I didn't grow up during this time and don't know much about what type of SF books were written during that time.
One interesting thing that I learned was that Frankenstein was one of the first science books ever written. I would like to research the time period of 1985-1994 because I think there was a lot of important science fiction written during that decade that would be interesting to research.
I knew that science fiction was around for quite a while but i did not know that it was around since the greek times. I would like to work from 1985-1994 because i want something recent but not too old.
After watching the slide show, I have learned that sci-fi writers use "alien cultures" to reveal their ideas about their own cultures.
I would pick 1974-1985, because I think it would be the most interesting.
In science fiction there is one that that I didnt know that Frankenstien was the first Science fiction book. I picked 1985-1998.
Jessica Steuck
I learned some information on a bunch of older science fiction writers that i didn't know like how frankinstein was the first science fiction book also some peoples names i didn't know. I would like to study the 1995-2008 era because its the most current and i feel i could relate to it more and have more input to say on it. Also it would help me understand it more i think because i could relate to my every day life
the one thing I learned from the class already is that Frankenstien was the first sci-fi book written. I really don't care what decade I do
Something I learned about science fiction this week is that it sparked durring the industrial revolution in America. I also didnt think about how scienc fiction stories try to relate to everyday.
The time period I would like to research is from 1995 to 2008 because it would be cool to study how far science fiction has come as compared to the 1970's.
I never knew how far back the roots of science fiction go; all the way to Greece! I would like to study more recent developments in science fiction so I picked 1995-2008.
I learned about the author H. G. Wells and about some of his books, including the book "The Time Machine". I would like to research 1995-2008 for the SFSSUP.
Over the coarse of the week I have learned that the story ‘Frankenstein’ is known to be the first Sci-Fi story written. I also thought it was interesting the H.G. Wells is considered to be ‘the Shakespeare of science fiction.’ As for the decade; I chose (1995 – 2008). I think this time period will not only be interesting as to all the technology we have today compared to earlier periods, but also an easier relation to the project.
I was surprised to learn that almost all of the original Sci-Fi like ^ Frankenstien was written with either a moral or a veiw of society. The Time Machine was written as a sort of satire on Victorian Society, the privilaged treated the working class with contempt an eventually humans split into two speices in which the "working class" became more cunning and hunted down the "privilaged class."
The most interesting thing i learned is that "Frankenstein" was the first actual scifi story written. The most interesting era of scifi for me is the 1995-2008, because there seem to be more robots and inventions that are realistic in a lot of ways.
I found it interesting how important H.G. Wells was to the science fiction community.
I'd like to do the decade of 1985-1994.
I am interested in doing 1995-2008 because it is the most interesting and most recent i think because of the newer technology and advances in todays time i think that it would be the most interesting to do my project on the most recent time period
this week i found that scienc fiction has alot to do with our society besides speculations and ideas
One piece of interesting information I learned this week was that science fiction began in the time of the ancient Greeks as a vehicle for satire.
I would like to study the 1985-1994time period because it was a golden age of science fiction: the Ringworld series, "Blade Runner", Orson Scott Card, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C Clarke, cyberpunk, the chronicles of Earthsea...and, of course, "Mad Max". And "The Fly". This was also the period where anime was first introduced to the U.S., bringing with it movies like "Akira" and "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" and series like the Gundam franchise and "Astro Boy".
I learned that a lot of modern sci-fi film and literature has derived much of their themes from Frankenstein. this being that one or more scientists, in an attempt to better mankind create a monster that rampages thought a given area (sometimes the entire world) examples could of modern applications of such themes can be most commonly found in Zombie movies who's popularity has spiked in the last decade
i would love to study the period between 1995 and the present because there is so many richly detailed and imaginative examples to pick from.
I would like to work on the 1995-2008 period because artists today are addressing what could be my future. The new information I learned from the slide show was that Science Fiction started in second century A.D. and I didn't know Frankenstein was the first Science Fiction book written.
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