Wec read "Sales Pitch," by Philip K. Dick, in class on January 30 and February 1. If you have not already contributed to discussion of this story or handed in written comments, post your ideas about the story here. As with our previous couple of stories, some comments about the extrapolations in "Sales Pitch" would be interesting.
I think that this story is really cofusing and won't happen in the future. It's kinda weird to think that the author thought that in the future there would be robots trying to sell themselves to you and they wouldn't leave until you bought them. It's just a rather weird concept. I don't think that the authors extrapolation has come true and i don't think that it will come true. But you never really know, some things have happened that 20 years ago you never would have thought would have happened so i suppose it's possible.
I somewhat connected this story to I-Robot because in both "Sales pitch" and in I-Robot the stories are somewhat similar in that they both evolve robots and the idea that no house should be without a robot also in both stories there is one person that refuses to have a robot and is given one and it wont leave him and keeps enforcing that he needs to buy it so that it can properly do what is requires of it. However in both stories the robot does things for the human even though it has not been bought. So why would you buy it? Clearly these stories are similar in that they both evolve robots and humans that refuse to adapt to the new technology
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