If you were chosen in class, please comment on part 3 of the SF History Slide Show, which we saw in class on Wednesday, January 16. You should share either an interesting bit of knowledge about SF that you gained from the slides, or make an observation about the form of the show that you might want to address in your own update. If you were not selected in class, you have the option either to comment on the slide show itself, or to respond to one of your classmates' comments. As always, please make sure that your comments are coherent and correct.
After seeing the third part of the SF slide show, I was most interested by Pamela Zoline as a writer. I wouldn't have thought of writing a science fiction story about someone's every day life. When the slide show first started talking about it it seemed dull, but that's what science fiction does, it takes everyday life and adds a twist or a connection to something more extraordinary.
The last sci-fi slideshow wasmore interesting than the others because it was more about space and survival stories instead of monsters and evil beings. Some of the other subjects this slideshowbrought up were visions
of the future being noir and dark with no feelings of emotion; an example being "The Pedestrian."
I thought the third part of the slide show was interesting because they didn’t have weird pictures that were all in red and the sideshow had pictures that were from movies and books. I liked that in the slide show they had a couple of people that would narrate a small section of the book that would go along with the pictures. And how Ray Bradbury was a big writer in the future and how the TV would be called viewing screens and how police would exist and would just arrest people off the street for just thinking and how the government was not big on thinking and how the streets had to be clear in the evening or terrible things would happen to that person.
As the slideshow has progressed so has the time period in which it discussed. After viewing the third segment of the science fiction presentation a few new themes were discussed as opposed to the previous two segments. Such trends that started to arise are the rolls of the super heroes and super villains… science fiction began to portray every day life and every day situations with fictional style. These had at first come about with surprising reality such as ‘War of the Worlds’ but after the public cam to grips with the new style of fictional entertainment it became quite popular.
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