Please comment on the story "The Pedestrian," which we read in class on January 14. You may address the story's ideas, your personal reactions to it, or your thoughts about its extrapolations, but please make sure your comments refer to specific elements of the story. (In other words, don't be satisfied with just saying "I liked the story" or "I didn't like the story."
If you were not assigned to comment in class, you still have the option to respond to the story or to one of your classmates comments.
If you were not assigned to comment in class, you still have the option to respond to the story or to one of your classmates comments.
this rather reminds me of the first episode of The Twilight Zone that i ever saw in which a man is brought in front of some sort of council and after the man tells the congregation of his occupation as a librarian. the man is later deemed "obsolete" and sentenced to death.
my memory of said episode is a little fuzzy because i saw it 6 years ago but i think i got the main point across
it also made me think that we as a civilization have become so utterly Dependant on our machines that we are becoming as cold and lifeless as our creations.
this story that we read in class was a little weird i thought because why would you want to be walking alone at night because anything can happen. Sense it was in the future not of crime was happening and they one had one cop car. walking at night alone wasn't that bad. the other that was weird is that everyone was in there house doing nothing.
Although I have already read this story, every time I read it, the police car is what always fascinates me the most. The police car is not control by an actual human being, but instead it is a robot. It stops and questions this man who is just on his regular walk. The robot cop thinks this is strange because most people don't go on walks anymore. Instead most people just like to stay home and watch the television. It is trying to show readers how in the future this author predicts that people will just be centered around their televisions and not do ordinary things such as walking dogs, or bike riding, or even going on a relaxing walk.The robotic cop car gets so suspicious that he tells the man to get in the car because he was being arrested. This is an interesting look into the future and I do believe that in time we will develop machines like these robotic cop cars. I think that they will just be strictly for traffic purposes such as speeding. I think that these robots or machines will be able to tell if your speed and somehow pull you over and give you a ticket. Maybe my idea is a stretch but I do believe in the future there will be cars that can completely drive themselves.
I read this story in English when we read Ferenheit 451 earlier this year.
To me it shows how TV and movies replace books and stories. It appears that most people watch their picture screens during their free time. When you watch a movie it limits your imagination and understanding of the story. It appears the author is trying to say that in the future, there will be less cognative thought.
I think that this story could be a very accurate prediction of the future. Even now people are starting to question people for doing stuff they like or if it does not seem normal to them. Also if robot cars start running the police department they might not have any sense of compassion for the average person, i forget his name in the story but the car shows no compassion for him at all and arrests him for walking which is unusual to most people.
I agree with Zach C. that this is an accurate prediction of the future. But, I also believe that this will be much farther in the future. In the story, the people were gravitating to their televisions, which is starting to happen today, but on a nice day, there are still alot of people who stay outside to walk their dogs or run or even just to get some fresh air.
I still don't understand how that one police could find the one pedestrain in a huge city.
in the future why would it be different or out of the ordinary if someone was walking around at night this is a strange idea to me because we are free to do what we want for the most part and a lot of people like to walk or have to walk however in this story it seems almost not allowed because of the way that the police reacts to him when they see him walking along the sidewalk. Also why is there only one police car in the society is crime, etc... No more?
To me this story makes it sound like in the future everyone will be lazy and no one will hate anyone and everyone will be at peace and have no reason to do anything or follow any rules or laws that prevent them from doing things because they just won’t.
Although its been awhile since we read this story, I went onto wiki for the story overview and it brought back several ideas i have had about the story.
I thought it was somewhat funny and ironic that the police officer was confused about why Mead was outside for no reason. I also wonder why no one but him went out at night; i do know that most everyone did go out in the day time but not at night.
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